Investor Relations is a strategic management responsibility using the disciplines of Finance, Communication and Marketing to manage the content and flow of the company’s information in order for financial communities to maximise relative valuation.
We provide to our clients sophisticated and holistic investor relations services to help them reach strategic investors audiences and maximize the value of their companies. Based on sectoral expertise and with an emphasis on valuation multiples and Investors Expectations Premiums or Discounts, we identify the main value drivers of your business story, and we design and implement a bespoke IR program to maximize shareholders value, to increase the amount of new invested capital and to reduce the overall cost of capital of the company.
Our value Consulting IR services applies to companies across all market caps, namely large caps, medium and small caps.
We assist our clients to formulate target lists, we initiate contact with investors and we short list them based on feedback reports.
Buy Side
The IR of a listed company faces the challenge to sustain the current investors base and at the same time to attract new investors. The latter is part of a proactive IR program to match the company investment case to investors’ investment profile.
We assist our clients to formulate target lists, we initiate contact with investors and we short list them based on feedback reports.
Sell Side
Sell side analysts coverage is crucial for a listed company. Our proactive sell side targeting assist our clients to identify sector analysts globally, the companies they cover and their main coverage criteria. Arator approaches them to identify potential interest for its client. Then facilitates one to one meetings and follow up reports. Alongside its client focuses on the goal to achieve maximum sell side coverage.
Arator has designed and implemented various retail investors’ strategies based on the fact that all stakeholders are current and / or potential investors.
Communication tools and channels are chosen subject to the clients sector and exposure.
We are one of the leading IR consulting firms and our team has a strong track record working with some of the leading public listed companies in the Greek market.
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